Welcome to our Church

On behalf of our Vicar, Rev. Fr. Ninan Easo, the Managing Committee, and all our parishioners, we extend a warm welcome to you. We invite you to explore the various ministries within our parish, including MGOCSM, Martha Mariam Samajam, Sunday School, and many other spiritual organizations and resources. This website is the result of the prayers, dedication, and hard work of many, all by the grace of God. Please remember our parish in your prayers. Thank you, and may God bless you.

Our Sunday Services

Come join us for any of our Sunday Services. We welcome all our brothers and sisters in faith to come join us in fellowship

Morning Prayer

Begins at 8:00AM unless notified otherwise

Divine Liturgy

Followed by Morning Prayer at 9:00AM

Sunday School

Post Liturgy at 12:30PM

M.M.V. Samajam

Post Liturgy at 12:30PM


Post Liturgy at 12:30PM